Friday, January 11, 2013

WSJ on bipartisanship

Thanks to David Codrea and The War on Guns for the tip on this one...

WSJ's analysis of guns and bipartisanship
By this week, the elites were calling for a gun-control agenda unmatched in modern times. The closing of the gun-show "loophole"? Restrictions on large-capacity clips? An "assault weapons" ban? They want all that, plus a national gun database, and a background check for every gun sale, and similar checks for ammunition sales, and regulation of Internet transactions, and Michael Bloomberg crowned emperor. (A position for which Mr. Bloomberg no doubt believes himself suited.) The media have reported all this as rational, reasonable and doable.
Seems legit.

This article serves as a much more concise articulation of an opinion that I've been espousing for a couple weeks now:  any new laws would need to go through congress, and they simply don't have the votes to do much besides changing importation laws.  Any domestic restrictions put in place by executive fiat would result in expensive and time consuming court battles, as well as widespread non-compliance and a metric crap-ton of mid term election blowback.

The author makes another very valid point:  do we really have time for this with everything else going on? 

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